by Daniel White | May 8, 2023 | Economy
May 08, 2023 Congress may increase the full Social Security retirement age to 70. What are the implications? When the retirement age was lifted in France, citizens protested. It remains to be seen whether that will happen here, but something must give because...
by Daniel White | May 1, 2023 | Economy
May 01, 2023 In March the latest report on the financial health of the Social Security system was released. It’s officially called “The 2023 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance...
by Daniel White | Nov 7, 2022 | Economy
November 7, 2022 The Social Security Administration announced a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 8.7% for fiscal year 2023, meaning Social Security checks soon will rise significantly. There’s only ever been a larger COLA rise three times, all during the...
by Daniel White | Apr 12, 2021 | Economy
April 12, 2021 In a sky-is-blue revelation, it turns out Americans who are eligible for $1,400 direct payments under the American Rescue Plan support direct government payments to individual Americans. When including the latest nearly $2 trillion stimulus plan, total...