Expert retirement and financial guidance
to help find the perfect solution.

Almost everyone could benefit from assistance when it comes to their financial planning, retirement planning, and portfolio management. Transitions can be one of life’s most stressful and unpredictable periods – especially the transition from working life to retirement. Without a full comprehensive retirement plan, your financial future is left to uncertainty. With Dan White & Associates, we seek to provide the tools so that you can get all the education, advice, and assistance you will need to maximize what you have.

Financial Planning

Financial Planning
Retirement financial planning is as grueling as it is important. It can be difficult to calculate how much money you need to save, and to develop a plan for managing your entire savings. We bring a more personalized approach than others when it comes to financial planning. Our team of experts at Daniel A. White & Associates, LLC does not rely on calculators and numbers alone, instead we actually listen as you explain your hopes, dreams, and fears. The better we know you, the better advice we can give. We will then design a personalized plan that shows you how we can help you reach your financial goals. Our advisors are highly educated and are constantly expanding their knowledge by continuing education in the industry. When it comes to retirement, there is a lot at stake. Why take any chance or leave room for error? Our firm will work with you to create the retirement of your dreams.
Wealth Accumulation
Time is truly of the essence when trying to accumulate wealth. It’s never too early to start investing. Compound interest increases the longer you invest, thus the rate and amount in which you allocate should depend on your individual situation. We would love to sit down and discuss all possible options that are available to you. It’s important to remember that during stock market volatility you still have many different allocations available to you, rather than the traditional conservative or risky approach.

Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning
Financial confidence and peace of mind are top priorities for soon-to-be retirees. Today’s retirees are living longer so the fear of not having enough money, running out of money, or being a burden on their children in retirement is something our firm sees every day. Our firm specializes in alleviating financial concerns from your retirement.

Our core philosophy is to get to know you and your family first. We want to know what your hopes, dreams, and fears are. Then, we will take a look at your retirement account statements, for example: 401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, 457bs, etc. To us, those statements are just pieces of paper with numbers on it that can be used as a starting point. We are more concerned about what you want those numbers to do for you and how you want to live in retirement.

It’s simple. You bring us your goals, hopes, dreams, and fears; and we will share with you the strategies and options that are available to help you accomplish those hopes and dreams.

Retirement Income Planning

With fewer companies offering pensions and defined benefit plans, it’s becoming more rare for anyone to have a future income stream that he or she can rely on during retirement. There are several financial vehicles that can solve this problem by providing an investor with the opportunity to create their own personal pension. A comprehensive financial plan with all of your goals, objectives, and concerns can also help alleviate the stress of worrying about running out of money. Here are some of the concepts we will cover:

  • Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Decisions
  • Conservatorships
  • Guardianships
Social Security Strategies
Many people who are eligible to claim their Social Security benefits are unsure of how and when to do so. You have been putting away money towards Social Security your entire adult life, so it is only fair that you are educated on the best plan of action to optimize your returns. Do you know the correct time of when to claim your Social Security? Did you know that how much money you make and the number of years you worked can affect your payout? These are just some factors to consider, as there are many more.
Life Insurance
When people think of life insurance they typically think of term insurance: Paying a fixed premium on a monthly basis for a guarantee* from an insurance company to pay a fixed amount of money to one’s beneficiaries. While everyone should have life insurance, it’s important to know that the industry has evolved by creating cutting-edge and versatile products. Some of these products not only provide a death benefit, but also accumulate cash value. Examples include whole life insurance, universal life insurance, and variable life insurance. Each type has its own unique characteristics and traits. The goal for each product is to provide your loved ones with a sense of financial confidence should you die prematurely, while accumulating as much cash value as possible for you to tap into on an income-tax-free basis. More and more people are buying cash value life insurance because of the tax efficiency it offers.

*Guarantees are based solely on the financial strength and claim-paying ability of the issuing company and compliance with product requirements.

Portfolio Management

Legacy Planning
It would be an understatement to say that family businesses are the backbone of the American economy. Approximately 90 percent of all businesses in this country are either family-owned or family-controlled. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors; they represent all sectors of our economy. Family businesses generate an estimated one-half of the U.S. Gross National Product and pay half of all wages earned in this country.
In fact, not all family businesses are traditional small establishments. About one-third of all businesses included in the Fortune 500 are family owned and operated. Being a supporter of local family businesses, we understand that they can see some tough days and their statistics are not always rosy.

Family businesses tend not to outlive their founders. At any given moment, 40 percent of family businesses are in the process of transferring their ownership. Unfortunately, two-thirds of all initial transfers fail. Of the one-third that survives an initial transfer, only one-half will survive a second transfer.

Asset Protection
We are living in a time where the stock market seems to be exceptionally volatile because of world events, politics, and its ordinary market fluctuations. Principal protection is arguably the most important service any financial professional can offer you. We examine each client’s unique portfolio carefully, while educating our clients about their options and the steps they can take to potentially lower their risk level.
Tax Planning
“Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible. He is not bound to choose the pattern which best pays the treasury…. Nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands.” – Judge Learned Hand

Recognizing that no investor wants to pay a cent more in taxes than necessary, we can analyze how certain financial products may make sense for your unique financial plan to minimize your tax burden. Specific strategies offer tax deferral so that you only pay taxes when you actually make a withdrawal. Other products, such as life insurance, also offer the opportunity to utilize tax-free income when appropriately structured.

Get started in three easy steps with our process:


Confidential Needs Analysis
Getting to know you

  • Establish Objectives
  • Calculate Income From All Sources
  • What Is Your Vision Of Retirement?
  • What Are Your Legacy Objectives?
  • Calculate Current & Projected Expenses


Retirement Blueprint
Designing your plan

  • Develop Income Plan
  • Develop Legacy Plan
  • Improve Investment Vehicles
  • Optimize Social Security


Putting your plan in place

  • Review Retirement Plan
  • Select Investments
  • Execute Legal Documents
  • Implement Financial Strategies